Regardless of the employed tokenization and POS tagging methods, the evaluation of those methods can be expressed statistically using predefined...
Tokenization & its Methods
Just as part-of-speech tagging serves as a precursor for tasks like syntactic parsing, tokenization is a crucial task in NLP, and it is a...
Part-of-Speech Tagging & its Methods (5)
The Transformer The Transformer \cite{vaswani2017attention} was introduced in 2017 as the first sequence transduction model wholly based on self...
Part-of-Speech Tagging & its Methods (4)
Artificial Neural Networks In addition to the rule-based methods, discriminative (CRF), generative (HMM), decision trees, and N-gram models for POS...
Part-of-Speech Tagging & its Methods (3)
Decision Trees model The task of POS tagging can be seen as a multi-class classification task where a model is trained on annotated data to enable it...
Part-of-Speech Tagging & its Methods (1)
In this post, I have promised to start a series of posts on the topic of POS tagging based on my master’s thesis. Therefore, this is the first...