Cogito ergo sum

My dual-boot setup suddenly stopped working on my Dell XPS1 min read

I have been using Ubuntu (20 and then 22.0) and Windows 11 on my Dell XPS 15, 7590 for over three years without any major problems related to booting. I use Ubuntu on my laptop daily and occasionally log into Windows when I need to use Adobe Photoshop orĀ  Acrobat. However, I have been using Windows daily for the past two weeks. Yesterday, I logged in to Ubuntu and did the usual sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. Everything went fine. Then, I turned off my laptop for a few hours and turned it on again. Out of the blue, I couldn’t boot into Ubuntu, and the following black screen was displayed:

Ubuntu_22 screenshot of booting into BusyBox
Ubuntu 22 booting into BusyBox

I have never seen such a screen ever before!! I was confused! Therefore, I tried to log in to Windows; guess what? I got the following BLUE SCREEN:


I quickly went to the UEFI settings of my laptop and checked the SATA operation mode (don’t ask me why; it was the first thing that came to my mind: PTSD ). I checked the settings, and it was set to RAID (it was always RAID) mode (check screenshot). I changed it to AHCI and tried to boot into Ubuntu and then into Windows, and it worked!

Dell XPS 15 7590 UEFI Settings

About the author

Peshmerge Morad

Data Science student and a software engineer whose interests span multiple fields.

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Cogito ergo sum